Keto or ketogenic is a diet low in carbohydrates and sugar and focuses instead on the consumption of “fats” and protein. Dr. Patchaya explains the premise of the Keto diet, saying that “foods with carbohydrates such as wheat and rice are digested and converted into glucose, which is the main source of energy for the body. When we consume less carbohydrates, the body will become stored fat as its main fuel and convert it into ketone bodies, hence the name Keto.
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How To Follow The Keto Diet For Effective Weight Loss
The Keto diet for weight loss focuses primarily on fat and protein intake and reduces the proportion of carbohydrate intake such as wheat, rice and sugar to just 5% or 20-50 grams. per day or not having any carbohydrates in a meal. . This leads to ketosis, which is when the body consumes body fat as its main source of energy.
According to Dr. Pitchaya, carbohydrates and protein make you feel full for a longer period of time, while ketone bodies reduce your appetite for food and help control the level of calories consumed, which plays an important role in reducing body weight.
What are the healthy fats in the Keto diet?
Dr. Patchaya explains that although the principles of the Keto diet are based on fat consumption, not all types of fats are healthy.
“Even if the Keto diet is about eating fat, that doesn’t mean you can eat fatty or fried foods like bacon full of high amounts of fat. If you choose to follow the Keto diet, it’s also important to choose healthy fats.” , warns us.
Food fats can be classified into two types:
Unsaturated fats or healthy fats
Unsaturated fats or healthy fats are It is mainly found in vegetables and fatty fish such as sea fish or salmon, avocado, olive oil, sunflower oil, soybeans or sesame oil.
Saturated fats
Saturated fats contain fats that are both healthy and unhealthy and are found mainly in meat, butter, chicken, yogurt, butter, cheese, coconut milk, coconut oil, and palm oil, for example.
Both types of fats are necessary and beneficial for the body, but if one consumes too much saturated fat it can be harmful and lead to high cholesterol levels, danger of blood clots, strokes and heart disease.
Aside from the choice of fat intake, followers of the Keto diet should also be careful with the types of fruits and vegetables they consume and eliminate those with high levels of carbohydrates and sugar or use sugar in their foods. which could cause the body not to achieve ketosis. In these cases, weight loss can be replaced by weight gain and fat gain.
What are some of the side effects of the Keto diet?
A Keto diet for health and weight loss may not be suitable for everyone, warns Dr. Patchaya.
“If you are healthy, you do not suffer from congenital diseases and you are not pregnant, you can follow the Keto diet. If you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor first, as certain illnesses or medications you are taking may be harmful when you are on a Keto diet.
The Keto diet involves a very specific way of eating. It is not varied and reduces certain types of nutrients. If left untreated, it can cause a variety of side effects, such as:
- Keto flu: When your body achieves ketosis, you may experience flu-like symptoms with fever, headaches and body aches, nausea, vomiting, or fatigue. Most of the time, these symptoms will gradually go away, but if they persist for more than two weeks you should consult your doctor.
- Nutrient deficiency: A Keto diet requires you to reduce the amount of certain foods and this can cause your body to receive inadequate amounts of certain nutrients, such as fiber or vitamins, which could be the cause of some other health problems later.
- Constipation, dehydration and mineral deficiency: The body eliminates ketone bodies along with urination which leads to fluid loss which puts you at risk for dehydration and mineral deficiency. Low levels of carbohydrate intake will cause the body to receive inadequate fiber causing constipation.
- Constant thirst: Because the body eliminates fluids and this makes the followers of the Keto diet constantly thirsty. Frequent sips of water are essential.
- Brain fatigue: Brain fatigue, lack of memory and lack of concentration are found, although infrequently.
- Oily skin and acne: Consumption of certain types of fats can cause skin irritation which can lead to acne.
- Yoyo effect: The Keto diet causes rapid weight loss with fewer withdrawal symptoms than other types of diets. However, once the Keto diet is stopped and the person resumes their previous lifestyle or consumes foods that are not a complete Keto diet, they may experience weight gain known as the Yoyo effect.
The Keto diet is a quick and effective way to lose weight, but some of the side effects mentioned can be found. At present, we do not yet have clear data on the long-term health impacts of the ketogenic diet. For this reason, when the desired weight loss is achieved, a more varied and balanced diet must be resumed for the long-term benefits of our health.
Dr. Patchaya ended by telling us that “consuming all five food groups in proper amounts for the body may be a slower way to lose weight, but it should certainly have long-term positive effects.”
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