Are popcorn keto? The short answer is yes, popcorn can definitely fit into your ketogenic meal plan, but you need to pay attention to what kind of popcorn and how much you are eating.
The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet plan that was originally designed to treat the symptoms of epilepsy, says Erin, a dietitian and New Jersey diabetes expert. Palinski-Wade, RDN. Because diet can also cause body changes such as fat reduction, it is marketed and sold as a method of weight loss in the wellness industry, says Erica Zellner, LDN, Parsley Health Health Coach in California.
“Because following a very low-carb diet can be restrictive, people in this plan are often looking for ways to incorporate more variety and snack options,” says Palinski-Wade. And, if you like popcorn, you’ll probably be wondering how you can make it with this little savory, salty snack, including ways to mix it up. Keep reading about everything you want to know about popcorn related to keto.
So can I eat popcorn with a keto diet?
When you go on a keto diet, your diet consists of eating 5 to 10% of your calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 20% of your protein, and 70 to 80% of your fat. that the diet is “very restrictive,” Keri says. Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet.
Because popcorn is a carbohydrate-based food, it may not be the best snack to eat when on a keto diet, as it will quickly contribute to your daily carbohydrate goals. That said, if you feel like popcorn, don’t limit yourself: go ahead and grab some, says Palinski-Wade. You just know it will add up about 5 grams of net carbs per cup.
One cup of popcorn contains about five grams of clean carbs.
And what exactly are clean carbs? “Clean carbs are essentially any carbohydrate that is digestible,” says Palinski-Wade. Some carbohydrates, such as those containing fiber and sugars, cannot be digested in the body, so they are not counted when measuring clean carbohydrates. “We subtract these carbs from the total carbs to get the‘ clean carbs ’or the total digestible carbs from a food,” Palinski-Wade notes.
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Are Popcorn a Low Carb Appetizer?
In moderation, popcorn can be a low-carb snack. Experts recommend consuming about one cup at a time, which has 6 grams of total carbohydrates. Please note that this may vary depending on the type you are purchasing.
Because popcorn tends to be quite fibrous, that means it has fewer clean carbs than other carbohydrate foods, Zellner says. And while you might think it makes no sense to count clean carbohydrates instead of normal carbohydrates at keto, you should know that tracking clean carbohydrates is actually how you maximize your nutrient intake.
Eating more high-fiber foods with lower net carbohydrates will allow you to eat more of these foods, which in turn increases the nutrients you eat and, hopefully, your overall satiety. says Zellner. “It’s important to make sure you use your carbs for as many nutrient-rich vegetables and low-sugar fruits as possible. That’s why sometimes popcorn may not be the best place to put in your diet every day if you do ceto “, he adds. But if you really feel like it, don’t stop, as this can lead to even more restrictive and boring behaviors.
In general, even if you’re not on a keto diet, popcorn is a great snack for regular, weight-loss-related diets, Zellner says. It contains nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, he explains. It is also a food that you can eat a lot without taking in tons of calories.
That said, you’ll usually want to add some protein or fiber to the popcorn when you eat it. “We always want to emphasize a balance of fiber, fat, and protein for snacks and meals to make sure you don’t raise your blood sugar and then drop it,” says Zellner, which can happen if you eat a carbohydrate-dense food. without any other nutritional benefits.
Try it: You can add more nutrition to the popcorn by sprinkling grated cheese on top, dragging some nut butter over it, and mixing walnuts or nuts. Whatever makes you more fun!
What kind of popcorn is most keto friendly?
Palinski-Wade says popcorn with air would be the best choice, as they are lower in carbohydrates and calories. “However, since grams of fat are not a concern in a keto diet, the added oil or butter would still allow this snack to be keto friendly,” he adds. That said, Palinski-Wade recommends limiting saturated fats to less than 10 percent of your total daily caloric intake.
You may also want to focus on making popcorn from scratch with unexploded grains, Zellner says, as it gives you total control over portion size and ingredients. “It’s easy, fast, you don’t need more time, because you only do it in the kitchen,” Zellner says. Regardless of the type of popcorn you eat, remember to limit your portion to one or two cups.
“And for keto specifically, we want to avoid popcorn with any added sugar ingredients like caramel, chocolate spray and the like,” Zellner says. Instead, Zellner recommends adding flavors to popcorn at home with light butter, ghee, lime seasoning, pumpkin spice seasoning, and more. “It’s very easy to change the flavor profile,” he points out, if you’re bored of a particular taste.
Lastly, when it comes to packaged microwave popcorn, you may want to avoid it, Zellner says. Because? Well, most microwave bags are coated with PFC, which prevent grease from escaping during storage. Recent research has associated PFC with a lot of negative health risks, such as hormonal changes, low birth rates, bladder cancer and more. “We also know that it bioaccumulates, which means that the more you are exposed to it, the more it will build up in your body and cause potential problems,” says Zellner.
Stick to homemade and homemade popcorn, and you should be ready. Now go get some kernels and enjoy a little ketogenic snack.
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