How Can Nutrition Help My Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the throat and is responsible for metabolism. It is regulated by the pituitary gland of our brain, where TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is produced.

This sends a message to the thyroid to release thyroid hormones such as T4 and T3. These are the hormones that your GP will test if your thyroid is suspected to be unbalanced.

When things go wrong with the thyroid, it can affect everything from energy levels and mood to weight and digestion.

Thyroid imbalance is very common and can affect the structure or function of this important small gland. The two main types of thyroid disease are:

1. Hypothyroidism (inactive thyroid): Signs and symptoms include fatigue, difficulty losing weight, low mood, hoarseness, dry skin, feeling cold, dry skin, thinning hair, constipation, low libido, premenstrual syndrome and difficulty concentrate.

2. Hyperthyroidism (hyperactive thyroid): Signs and symptoms include weight loss, anxiety, irritability, anxiety, heat intolerance, diarrhea, and loss of libido.

There are many reasons why our thyroid may be out of sync. Stress, viruses, immune conditions, certain medications, and trauma can be triggers.

If a blood test has shown that your thyroid is unbalanced, your GP has probably prescribed medication, but have you stopped to think about what else you can do to help keep your thyroid healthy?


Lifestyle, stress management and diet can play a role in supporting your overall health, so if you have been diagnosed with a thyroid imbalance or if you suspect it may be a problem for you , here are some things that can help you. Add as many different colored fruits and vegetables as you can. These contain antioxidants that are important for thyroid health. Some people find that there are certain foods that negatively affect their thyroid. These include gluten-containing grains (such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley), peanuts, soy, and raw brassica vegetables, such as raw broccoli, and raw cabbage. ). Iodine, found in seaweed, fish and sea salt, is a key nutrient for thyroid balance. Get it through your diet instead of as a supplement if you are taking thyroid medication. Forget low-fat diets. Your thyroid needs a balanced intake of essential fats, so don’t cut those healthy fats from your diet. Omega 3, which is found in fatty fish, flax seeds, walnuts and chia seeds is especially important. These healthy fats won’t contribute to weight gain, so don’t skip them from your diet. Zinc and selenium are also important nutrients. Get them in nuts and seeds (especially new ones from Brazil), seafood and meat. The friendly bacteria in our gut play an important role in the balance of the thyroid, so help keep it happy and balanced by eating probiotic foods like natural yogurt or kombucha.


  • Kicks – Dairy products, nuts, seeds, tahini and vegetables are good sources.
  • Magnesium – It is found in nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables and cocoa.
  • Vitamin A – Get yours in green leafy vegetables, cheese, milk, eggs, fatty fish and yogurt
  • Vitamin D – the vitamin of the sun. A daily supplement can be beneficial


Stress wreaks havoc on thyroid function, so do your best to incorporate rest and relaxation into your daily routine.

Quit the sugar habit. Sugar continues to gain weight and can have a detrimental effect on thyroid function. Start by eliminating the obvious sugars and find lower sugar alternatives to help you break the sugar habit.

Daily exercise such as walking, yoga, swimming or cycling can help with thyroid stress and balance.

Avoid processed foods that do not contain much nutrition. This includes low fat foods, diet foods and other junk foods.